DM.Merchant Beta

Your Secret Weapon for Successful Marketplace Marketing

DM.Merchant Beta is your all-in-one, cutting-edge solution for mastering marketplace marketing across platforms like Amazon, Allegro, Etsy, and eBay. This powerful tool provides deep insights into market trends and customer behavior by analyzing millions of products. Our AI-powered engine not only tracks price fluctuations and customer feedback but also tailors your promotional strategies to meet the specific demands of each marketplace, ensuring you stay ahead of the competition. With DM.Merchant Beta, you're not just participating in the market—you're dominating it.

Planned commercialisation date Q4 2024.

DM.Merchant offers the following capabilities:

Intelligent Monitoring and Analytics

Continuous monitoring of sales, reviews, and ratings with detailed analytics to help you quickly respond to market changes and improve your strategies.

Price Management

Our pricing optimization tool adjusts your product prices as needed. It constantly tracks competitor prices and automatically updates your prices around the clock as frequently as necessary.

Listing Conversion Optimization

We provide automated tools for creating effective naming and optimizing product listings to ensure high visibility and appeal to buyers.

Integration with Other Platforms

Easy integration with various marketplaces and content management systems allows you to manage all aspects of online sales from one place.

Content Management / Content Optimization

We create content optimized for marketplace algorithms and list products using advanced Amazon SEO techniques.